An Extraordinary Business Requires an Extraordinary Speaker

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Meet the Singular Leslie Josel
With her energy, engaging wit, and common-sense approach, Leslie has won over audiences all over the world. As the founder of Order Out of Chaos®, Leslie brings over 20 years of ADHD & Productivity Coaching experience to her speaking engagements. Known for her content-rich and interactive presentations, she uses her “Tales from the Trenches” and trademark “Triple T’s” (tips, tools, and techniques), to untangle such complex, complicated and emotionally-charged subjects as Productivity vs Procrastination, Time (Mis)Management and Maintaining Motivation in an Unfocused World to name a few. Whether making a keynote address, leading a workshop, or moderating a panel, members of parent groups and associations, and professionals and companies come away from Leslie’s appearances with a better understanding of the challenges facing them and a notepad filled with actionable steps.
Leslie is an award-winning entrepreneur, having founded Order Out Of Chaos® – whose mission is to help parents guide their students to success in learning and in life. She’s also the creator of the award-winning Academic Planner: A Tool for Time Management®, and the award-winning author of three books including, “How to Do it Now Because it’s Not Going Away: An Expert Guide to Getting Stuff Done” (Lerner Publishing). Leslie has written over 300 columns as ADDitude Magazine’s “Dear ADHD Family Coach®.”
An internationally acclaimed speaker, Leslie has been named by Global Gurus as one of the top Time Management Experts in the world EIGHT years in a row.
Partial List of Past Speaking Engagements

What They’re Saying
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Email us at leslie@lesliejosel.com
or call 914.315.9282 for more information
Sample Speaking Programs
Raising Problem Solvers vs. Direction Followers
How do we get our children to take ownership, responsibility, and be accountable for their time and tasks? How can parents and educators stop telling our children and students what to do and how to do it?
In this presentation, award-winning, ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel, will share her signature “coach approach” style that teaches parents and educators how to help children develop individualized and achievable plans to address issues, devise manageable steps to reach goals, and learn strategies and techniques that foster independence and competency.
She’ll also explore the tools needed to help strengthen the child’s brain so they can build habits, routines, and memory skills. Leslie will also provide us with “parent-led” language to use to foster communication with her children.
Stress-Free Studying: Smart Strategies for Student Success
STUDY. Why is it that such a small word produces so much fear, anxiety, and paralysis in our students. Especially those with attention deficits and learning challenges. For some, it’s simply that they just don’t know how. Or the methods they’ve been taught don’t work for them. They learn differently so therefore, they need to study differently. For others, getting started is too difficult. Too overwhelming. Or just too much.
In this presentation, award-winning ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel brings to the table over 19+ years as an academic/life coach working with thousands of students to show us what truly works. and what doesn’t. She’ll teach us the EXACT methods students need to use to take effective notes, study smarter, ace exams and create fun study tools.
Late, Lost & Lagging Behind: Demystifying Executive Functions & ADHD
Executive Functioning skills are essential to how we learn and act. They’re the brain’s ability to self-regulate, complete tasks, be time aware and remember information. In essence, they control EVERYTHING we do.
In this presentation, award-winning ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel will dive deep into the six pillars of Executive Functions, including time management, working memory, effort, focus and mood regulation. She’ll also highlight the importance of understanding Executive Age and provide insight in how we can help our students strengthen their Executive Functioning muscle.
Leslie will also bring her signature tips, tools, and techniques (“Triple T’s”) to the table, offering REAL practical tips and tools to help conquer organization, time management, and focusing challenges.
How To Do It Now Because It’s Not Going Away: Powering Through Procrastination
Let’s face it. Everyone procrastinates. And while we’re all wired to put things off, we also have the capacity to manage this tendency.
In this workshop, award-winning time management expert and coach, Leslie Josel will dive deep into the different types of procrastination, explain how “mood” is one of the leading causes of procrastination, dissect the differences between time management and motivation management, and share how your environment plays an ENORMOUS role in how you get things done.
Leslie will offer up her real solutions and strategies for over 19 years in the trenches to help you initiate, sustain effort, and remove those barriers to entry.
Can I Have Your Attention? Real Strategies for Raising Kids in the Digital World
Distractions are everywhere. From the constant type, tap, swipe, click to the endless toll of the scroll! And every day is another battle or discussion on how best to manage their screen usage.
In this workshop, award-winning, ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel, will deliver up-to-date information on the newest apps your children are using and why it’s critical that you are very familiar them! She’ll dig into 19-years of experience coaching parents and students to show us what we’re doing right, doing wrong, and just not doing at all!
She’ll explain her “5-Step Screen Strategy” for managing your child’s tech usage. which includes managing yours! And Leslie will also explore ways to increase focus and attention, get into deep workflow and how movement is the #1 method to lessen distractibility.
It's 9:00 PM: Don’t You Have Homework To Do?: Taming The Homework Madness
As a parent, do you dread the constant homework battles every night? Are you spending hours hovering and handholding while your child wastes endless amounts of time getting homework accomplished? Do you wish you child would just get their work done…on their own?
In one of award-winning, ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel’s most popular talks, she shares how using her signature “Personal Homework Profile” allows students to learn the best way to get homework done… for them.
She’ll also cover the most effective and anti-boring study tools and methods for your student to use, her "secret sauce" for getting students unstuck and started, how to set up your student’s environment so it engages them to get homework done and why homework DOESN’T start at home but at school.
It’s About Time: Time Management Strategies for Student Success
Time Management is a challenge for everyone, but it’s a particularly daunting challenge for students. There’s an expectation that once they hit their teens, they should be fully capable of managing their own time. But most students lack the tools and/or skills to know how to “see” their time. To know how to feel time. How to prioritize and plan their time.
In this workshop, award-winning, time management expert, Leslie Josel will open the door to the world of time management from the lens and perspective of a student. She’ll discuss what being time-challenged truly looks like, and why “bubble wrapping” your time is crucial to building healthy habits such as consistent self-care schedules. Leslie will dive into concepts like “future awareness” and “time travel” and why working time over task and “seeing done” will help your students see time and stay motivated.
She'll offer ways for your students to externalize time so they can internalize it, as well as how to create routines and rituals to help them become time aware. Leslie will also dissect the differences between time management and motivation management and share how their environment plays an ENORMOUS role in how we get things done.
The workshop will be highly interactive, and students will leave knowing how to create their own “Personal Time Profile” so they can tap into and learn their best productivity practices.
The Overwhelmed Child - Tips & Tools for Parenting a Child with BIG Emotions
Helping an overwhelmed child can be, well, overwhelming. Especially for parents. You may feel frustrated by your child’s inconsistent mood swings or concerned that one minute your child feels calm and happy, and the next overloaded and withdrawn.
When children are overwhelmed, they may become explosive, or defiant. Some might complain they don’t feel well or struggle in school. Others become highly sensitive and cut themselves off from friends and family. All these behaviors are signs that your child is overwhelmed by their feelings.
In this presentation, award-winning, ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel dives deep into the reasons behind your children overwhelm. Topics such as lying, decision fatigue, stuckness, environment and cognitive overload are all covered.
She’ll provide tips and tools FOR YOU to use so you can help your child regulate their emotions and behaviors. She teaches you the exact cutting-edge practices she teaches her parent coaching clients, so you have the necessary strategies to manage your child’s overload and reduce their overwhelm.
Navigating the College Landscape: Preparing High School Students With Attention Differences For The Transition
Navigating the college process can be overwhelming for most students, but it’s a particularly daunting challenge for those with learning and attention challenges. Unfortunately, there is no test for your student to take to score college readiness. And if you need more to worry about, according to the NCES (2020), 72% of post-secondary students with a disability drop out of college. Staggering, right?
In this presentation, award-winning, ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel, will explain why learning life skills is the key to day-to-day college success. She’ll walk us through the ins and outs of navigating the college’s Student/Disability Office and the essential questions needed to be asked. Leslie will also demystify college accommodations – or why your student can’t bring his IEP to college -- and breakdown the supports and accommodations that may be available.
She’ll go over the essential life and school skills needed for student success OR how to truly measure college readiness, how to utilize the college’s academic and tutoring resources and accommodations and get your student to use them and how to find the perfect academic coach and integrate them into your student’s college life.
The Prequel To Productivity: Understanding What Truly Gets In YOUR Way
Time is one of our most precious resources, yet we battle daily to make sense of our relationship with it. In this workshop, award-winning, time management expert and coach, Leslie Josel will analyze the social, emotional and intellectual elements that rob us of our time and productivity, and pinpoint key tools towards reframing these roadblocks.
She’ll dive deep into topics such as Decision Fatigue, Feeling Overwhelmed, Sustaining Effort and how they directly relate to our productivity. She’ll also discuss the differences between motivation management and time management and the significant role that your environment plays in both, the steps needed to know how to “work” and what “DONE” looks like.
In addition, participants will create their own “Personal
Time Profile” to tap into and learn their best productive practices.
"What’s Your Story?”: Using Authentic Storytelling to Grow a Best-in-Class Business
How many times have you listened to an industry expert describe their intimate and personal path to building their business and instantly identified with them, their business’ mission and their “story?” And how many times have you wondered how they incorporated their personality and journey to create the narrative for their business and brand to build their audience?
In this presentation, award-winning entrepreneur and coach, Leslie Josel, shows us how authentic storytelling can be the catalyst to establish and grow a best-in-class business with integrity and connection.
She’ll guide us through the essential 4 “P’s” – people, purpose,
principles, and passion that’s needed to define your business’ mission and audience. Leslie will also explain how crafting your business’ origin statement connects your audience to you and your business in the most compelling manner. We’ll explore why building micro commitments on your website and using nurture sequences is essential for engaging audiences. And Leslie will rip back the curtain to show us firsthand how to use various types of stories on different platforms and mediums such as video, blogs, newsletters, your website, and social media sites.
How to Create Multiple Streams of Income For Your Business
Are you tired of earning money as a labor for hire? Would you like to earn money while you sleep? Or on weekends? Even holidays? Would you like to diversify your company’s offerings so if another world-wide catastrophe hits your business is well prepared and protected to ride out the storm?
As an award-winning entrepreneur for over 19 years, Leslie Josel, turned her local, sole-practitioner business into a multi-faceted, global, virtual company. And she’s helped countless business owners create strong foundations for their businesses so they could seamlessly integrate new business silos into their existing structures.
In this interactive workshop (or keynote), Leslie will teach YOU how to incorporate other streams of income, such as coaching, affiliate marketing, writing, speaking, product development, and brand collaboration into your brand and business. She’ll also cover how to monetize your existing content, so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Leslie will also teach you the “power of the ask” and how to do it correctly, how to “sell it before you develop it”, how to build community and get buy-in to mitigate risk.
Speak up! Create Powerful Workshops and Webinars to Market Your Business!
Are you tired of finding clients one at a time? Would you like to expand your exposure and share your knowledge with large groups? If you want to reach a larger audience and grow your business; workshops and webinars are the answer!
In this presentation, award-winning coach and entrepreneur, Leslie Josel will rip back the curtain to show you how she has created workshops and webinars to market her business to thousands of people.
She’ll review killer presentation styles, dive into the necessary steps you need to show up as an expert and teach you her signature “Five P Strategies” to successful workshops. You’ll get clear on your passion, purpose, and people, and she’ll share her one no-fail method to get attendees to give you their email address...the key to generating referrals.
How to Cultivate Loyal Clients and Monetize Webinars
If the pandemic has taught us anything, having one stream of income is just not good business. Many of us small business owners have had to think about alternative income streams. Leveraging virtual operations like webinars is a great way to boost your revenue!
In this presentation, award-winning ADHD Student & Parenting Coach, Leslie Josel, walks you through how she built her prolific webinar business, which she started eight years ago. She highlights the importance of being generous with your content, having an abundance mentality, and giving things away for free. Rather than using a sales funnel approach, Leslie is upfront and transparent about the costs her clients will incur. She talks about why she has chosen to operate her business in this way rather than continually trying to upsell. Participants will also learn how Leslie continues to build her community and why she always asks her clients the most important question a business owner can ask — “What Do You Need?"
Leslie will also dive into the power of affiliate marketing to amplify your webinar business, why webinars offer more flexibility than courses, and how she structures the before, during and after!
Other topics include:
- How Leslie used her webinars alongside building her email list, and why she recommends doing your first few webinars for free.
- Discussing the role of consistency when producing webinars and how often you should do them.
- Exploring the platform Leslie runs her webinars on and the level of interactivity she maintains.
- The value in asking your community questions, and why it is helpful to bring guest experts into your webinars, especially as you grow.
- How having a video component for all content can help you bring in customers.
- The importance of repurposing content you’ve already produced to generate multiple streams of income.
- Why it is important to cap webinar attendance.
And much more!

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